About and Portfolio
You can find Winslett painting, designing, and creating in her cottage studio on the Vernon River in Savannah, GA, in her attic studio on Sapelo Island, GA, or plein air painting and making things with friends wherever inspiration calls. She loves extracting interest from common things though her art, design, and photography + collaborating with other creatives.
"The world is but a canvas to the imagination."–Thoreau
Winslett has been a professional artist and designer since earning her BA from the University of Alabama in 1997 and MFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2000. Her work has been included in major publications including Southern Living, HGTV Magazine, Serena and Lily, among others. She enjoys the challenge of rethinking and recreating surplus textiles, what is otherwise seen as landfill materials, and other found objects into her art and design and was given a Georgia Master Naturalist title from the University of Georgia in 2019 to help advance environmental education. Winslett is inspired daily by her family, friends, and beautiful coastal surroundings.
acrylic • cardboard • collage • paper • textiles • found objects • photography • computer graphics